Research and further reading for those building for wildfire
Research Reports + Data
The Stanford Social Innovation Review invited 17 leaders across wildfire to share their insights, suggesting the wildfire crisis requires a comprehensive, cross-sector approach to funding, research, and action.
Nat Bullard’s annual presentation on the state of decarbonization told with climate, capital markets, technology, and sector data. A coherent view of the future begins with the clearest possible view of the present.
A report by Governor Newsom's California Wildfire & Forest Resilience Task Force (including USFS, CNRA, CalFire, and other key groups) that illustrates a concerted effort to accelerate more prescribed burning to mitigate wildfire risk.
Focused on detecting, tracking, mitigating, and preventing wildfires and improving scientific communication.
A report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that assesses the mitigation of climate change, examines the sources of global emissions and explains developments in emission reduction and mitigation efforts.
A report by the Wildfire Technology Funders Group conceptualized and compiled by Wonder Labs, that aims to review progress, identify gaps, and provide a visioning framework to guide philanthropic, corporate, and impact investments in the development and application of just, inclusive, and equitable technologies for wildfire risk management.
A map released weekly, showing parts of the U.S. that are in drought.
A report by the UN Environment Programme and GRID-Arendal that highlights how climate change and land-use change are making wildfires worse, anticipates a global increase of extreme fires even in areas previously unaffected and calls on governments to rethink their approach to wildfire.
An academic research paper by Kenneth Hall and Roger Anderson examining the costs and barriers to undergrounding utility infrastructure.
Research by The Nature Conservancy on existing and potential future pathways to increase federal spending on wildfire resilience.
A California Council on Science and Technology report that summarizes the associated costs of wildfires across key sectors, aiming to clarify the total cost of wildfire in California.
Recommendations from the US Geological Survey that lay out the critical needs for wildfire research over the next five years.